About the training
Understanding international risk standards fosters a more comprehensive understanding of risk at all levels of the organization.
Understanding international risk standards fosters a more comprehensive understanding of risk at all levels of the organization.
What you will learn
In this course, you’ll be exposed to various standards and guidelines to enhance your tools, techniques and general understanding of risk management.
In this course, you’ll be exposed to various standards and guidelines to enhance your tools, techniques and general understanding of risk management.
Training information
You’ll acquire the skills needed to holistically examine operational risk management; learn to work cross-functionally; determine how to use risk data effectively; and disseminate actionable information and findings
You’ll acquire the skills needed to holistically examine operational risk management; learn to work cross-functionally; determine how to use risk data effectively; and disseminate actionable information and findings

Yes (based on specific standards, recognised by national/international organizations)

0€ - 200€

All Levels

Teaching Method/s


Training/course theoretical