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MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Powered by LM IT Services AG

About the training

In just one day you will learn the most important basics from the management options to the license models. You will then master the key terms and know all the advantages of Microsoft cloud services. 

What you will learn

(DE) In nur einem Tag lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen von den Verwaltungsoptionen bis zu den Lizenzmodellen. Danach beherrschst du entscheidende Begrifflichkeiten & kennst alle Vorteile der Microsoft Cloud-Dienste.

Was Du nach dem Training kannst:

  • Überblick über die wichtigsten Features und Services von Microsoft 365 Welt

  • Einblick in die Teamarbeit von Microsoft 365

  • Einführung in Sicherheit und Datenschutz von Microsoft 365

  • Überblick über die Lizenzmodelle von Microsoft 365

(EN) In just one day you will learn the most important basics from the management options to the license models. You will then master the key terms and know all the advantages of Microsoft cloud services.
What will you learn:

  • Overview of the most important features and services of Microsoft 365 world

  • Insight into Microsoft 365 teamwork

  • Introduction to security and privacy of Microsoft 365

  • Overview of Microsoft 365 licensing models

Training information

Key takeaways
Computer network 
Cyber defense
Data security
Information security management


Yes (based on specific standards, recognised by national/international organizations)


500€ - 1000€


Pre-entry (Beginners / Those with no experience or background)

Teaching Method/s



1 day




Training/course theoretical and hands on




Jobs in Cyber