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SC-900 Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals

Powered by LM IT Services AG

About the training

Anyone who deals with the modern workplace should always consider IT security. With Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365, a holistic solution can be introduced. This course provides you with the basics from the areas of security, compliance and identity (SCI).

What you will learn

(DE) Wer sich mit dem Modernen Arbeitsplatz beschäftigt, sollte auch immer unbedingt die IT-Security mit bedenken. Mit Microsoft Azure und Microsoft 365 kann eine ganzheitliche Lösung eingeführt werden. Hierfür liefert euch dieser Kurs die Grundlagen aus den Bereichen Security, Compliance und Identity (SCI).
Was Du nach dem Training kannst:

  • kannst die grundlegenden Konzepte in der IT Sicherheit identifizieren

  • kennst die Microsoft IT Security Funktionen

  • lernst Microsoft Identity & Access Management kennen

  • erhälst einen Überblick über die Compliancefunktionen in Microsoft

(EN) Anyone who deals with the modern workplace should always consider IT security. With Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365, a holistic solution can be introduced. This course provides you with the basics from the areas of security, compliance and identity (SCI).

What you can do after training:

  • can identify the basic concepts in IT security

  • know the Microsoft IT security functions

  • get to know Microsoft Identity & Access Management

  • Get an overview of the compliance functions in Microsoft

Training information

Key takeaways

Computer network 
Cyber defense
Cybersecurity architecture
Data security
Information security management


Yes (based on specific standards, recognised by national/international organizations)


500€ - 1000€


Pre-entry (Beginners / Those with no experience or background)

Teaching Method/s



1 day




Training/course theoretical




Jobs in Cyber