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Modern Workplace M365 Specialist Job Stipendium – powered by Microsoft

Powered by LM IT Services AG

About the training

The participants learn how to design IT projects correctly from the start and, over a period of one year, they acquire all the skills to set up the Modern Workplace parallel to their permanent position. The infrastructure is set up on the basis of a fictitious company, in order to then set up a modern workplace with M365 in the company. Finally, the certification to M365 Enterprise Administration Experts takes place.

What you will learn

(DE) Im Rahmen des Job Stipendiums, Schwerpunkt Modern Workplace, lernen die Teilnehmenden, IT-Projekte von Anfang an richtig zu gestalten und erwerben über den Zeitraum von einem Jahr paralell zur Festanstellung alle Fertigkeiten zur Einrichtung des Modern Workplace. Anhand einer fiktiven Firma erfolgt der Aufbau der Infrastruktur, um darauf folgend in dem Unternehmen einen Modernen Arbeitsplatz mit M365 einzurichten. Abschließend erfolgt die Zertifizierung zu M365 Enterprise Administration Experts.

Training information

(DE) Für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen
Die Ausbildung beginnt jedes Jahr im April und Oktober
Nächster Start 17/04/202
Zugangsvoraussetzungen: Grundkenntnisse im Bereich Microsoft

(EN) As part of the job grant, with a focus on the Modern Workplace, the participants learn how to design IT projects correctly from the start and, over a period of one year, they acquire all the skills to set up the Modern Workplace parallel to their permanent position. The infrastructure is set up on the basis of a fictitious company, in order to then set up a modern workplace with M365 in the company. Finally, the certification to M365 Enterprise Administration Experts takes place.

For companies and individuals
Training starts in April and October every year
Next start 17/04/2023
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of Microsoft  

Key takeaways
Computer network 
Cyber Security 
Defense Cybersecurity 
Architecture Cybersecurity 
Education awareness & training


Yes (based on specific standards, recognised by national/international organizations)




Pre-entry (Beginners / Those with no experience or background)

Teaching Method/s



3+ months




Training/course theoretical




Jobs in Cyber